
音标/读音 ['streŋθәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 加强, 变坚固
vi. 变强, 股票上涨

v. make strong or stronger
v. gain strength



But I was doing it to strengthen the city, not to endanger it.

但我是为了巩固这座城市 并非要危害它

We strengthen our numbers while we deplete theirs.

我们壮大了自己 同时又削弱了对方

No, in fact, they've strengthened my gifts.

事实上 我的天赋还增强了

He will strengthen you, and help you.

他会给你力量 并帮助你

But after that and it's just strengthening and rehab.


They moved over here to strengthen their careers.


Listen to me. and he'll strengthen them right out.

听我说 他会说服他们的

You must strengthen the church and not tear it down.

你必须加强你的信仰 而不是怀疑

To strengthen us for the tasks to come.


...and strengthening the bond between our two countries.
