n. 分歧
[计] 分散度
n. the act of moving away in different direction from a common point
n. an infinite series that has no limit
I cannot state, officially or unofficially, where your interests diverge, or if they diverge.
无论是正式的还是非正式的 我都不能告诉你 你的利益会有何变化以及是否会发生变化
because he diverges from the quantifiable morphological norm.
I'm just looking for where our paths diverged.
'cause they're diverging from the majority view.
It looks like her death was the point of divergence.
Well, we're getting close to where our paths diverge.
let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago.
说实话 我们早已分道扬镳
And, most importantly, free speech and a sharing of divergent ideals.
最重要的是 言论自由 分享不同的理念
Our educational metric has identified you as a divergent multipathway assimilator.
我們的教育標準已經確定 你是發散式前途光明的同化者
Maybe we can't trust people whose values are so horrifically divergent from ours.
也许我们确实不该信任那些价值观 和我们相去过远的人