
音标/读音 ['ɡiːkɪ]
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◎ 单词释义

a. <俚>令人讨厌的



But all the geeky science guys are gonna be so disappointed.


This is gonna be a super geeky appeal. I can't wait.

这会是一场特别讨厌的上诉 我都等不及了

Yeah, I was into different geeky stuff sometimes.


He was just the geeky alien kid next door.


It's a little geeky, but... I think you guys are gonna like it.

内容有点宅 不过你们应该会喜欢

Autograph shows, some geeky bullshit, event sold out.

签售会啊什么乱七八糟的东西 终于卖完了

A mission to prove that the geeky little kid in me was gone forever.

我要证明我体内的那个呆小子 永远消失了

Back in the '80s, before the Internet, it was impossible to find your geeky soulmate.

在八十年代 网络还没普及 想找到极客灵魂伴侣简直是不可能的

Likelike, I learned that you can be... super geeky when trying to do romantic boyfriend stuff.

比如我发现当你想做个浪漫的男友时 可能会像个技术宅一样让人讨厌

A geeky guy who stalked her in high school, a fuzz bumper she got tattoos on a road trip with.

高中时跟踪她的技术帝 和她公路旅行时一起去纹身的姬佬
