n. 舔, 少许, 打
vt. 舔, 卷过, 鞭打
vi. 轻轻拍打
n. touching with the tongue
v. pass the tongue over
I mean, eventually I thought, no, he can't be licking my boobs and licking my toes at the same time.
我是说 最后 我想他怎么能一边舔我的胸 一边舔我的脚呢
Though that said, if your wound is a bite from a vicious dog, it's probably best just to leave the dog alone and not ask it to lick you, otherwise you'll end up with loads more wounds and, er... very little licking.
說是這么說 不過如果你被一條惡犬咬了 最好不要再靠近這條狗 也別讓它舔你 否則 你得到更多傷口而非舔舐
That's her hot spot, so don't lick it.
那是她的痛处 所以别随便碰
It's right there it's licking it's lips.
就在这里 它正舔着嘴唇呢
The scientists thought they had it licked.
While you're down there, kid, lick my boot.
臭小子 躺在地上 给我舔鞋
But in the end, it was me who got licked.
但最后 却是我跪舔这座城市
Yeah, there's not a machine in here that you didn't lick.
这里的机器无一幸免 全被你舔过了
It's not gonna do you or her a lick of good.
And if you had a lick of sense, you'd quit it, too.
如果你有点脑子 也会离开的