
音标/读音 ['diŋgәu]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 澳洲野犬

n. wolflike yellowish-brown wild dog of Australia



Which, according to these two dingoes, is a lot.


With the dingo on the move, the hunt seems imminent.

随着野狗的移动 狩猎随时会开始

The white dingo has more than one reason to be so relentless.


"like yellow dingoes on a chainedup bitch.


See, the dingo is constantly pursuing the kookaburra all over the outback.

看到了吗 野狗总是 在内陆追求笑翠鸟

Salivating over your next kill like a dingo at a daycare.


But with the dingoes constantly on the move, keeping track of them is a challenge.

但野狗们不停地跑动 追踪它们太难了

Now they can track the dingoes and follow their trails.


You know, a dingo actually took that lady's baby.

你知道 澳洲野狗真的叼走了那位女士的寶寶

When the world went dingo scat, we just kept on doing what we always did.

灾变之后 我们继续做以前做的事