
音标/读音 [ri'taiәd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 隐退的, 退休的, 退役的
[经] 退休的, 已收回的

s. no longer active in your work or profession



I'm retired now. I'm a retired engineer.

我现在退休了 我之前是位工程师

Okay, so a retired banker meeting with the son of a retired mobster.

所以一个退休的银行家 与退休黑帮老大的儿子会面

There are retirement communities, very nice retirement communities, just outside of the city, and your mom loves succulents.

那边有退休社区 条件很好的退休社区 就在城外 *也很喜欢多肉植物

No, but that doesn't mean he's retired.

没有 但是这不代表他甩手不干了

And now that you're retired, I can't have you.

现在你退休了 我却不能找你

No beach for you and no retirement for me.

你去不了海滩 我也没办法退休

But for you, I'll come out of retirement.

但为了你 我就重出江湖吧

I don't do that anymore. I'm retired.

我已经不干了 我退休了

I lost my retirement because of you.


Remind me again why I shouldn't retire.
