a. 有恶意的, 恶性的, 有害的
[化] 恶性的
a. dangerous to health; characterized by progressive and uncontrolled growth (especially of a tumor)
Only you would malign yourself just to screw me over.
只有你会自我诽谤 只为搞垮我
But it is very unlikely this tumor is malignant.
The malignance has grown, you see, from the outside in.
但恶意在蔓延滋长 由外而内
There's a dark malignant power in the woods.
At the heart of this malignant deception were the children.
The mole was indeed malignant, but we're confident we got it all.
痣的确是恶性的 但我们相信我们全挖下来了
And when I do, I will eradicate your malignant bloodline from... this... earth.
等我找到 我会将你 *的血脉从这个世界上铲除
The term for someone like you is malignant narcissist.
有个词可以形容你们这样的人 有害的自恋者
Maligning now? I know how the world works.
恶意中伤吗 我知道这个世界怎么运作的
The stroke that you had was caused by a malignant tumor in your bladder.
你的中风是由 膀胱恶性肿瘤引起的