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You st... an ounce of blow. I was hurt.

你还偷了一盎司* 我当时心里不爽

We take him back to st. claire's and it's all over.

如果把他带回精神病院 那一切都完了

Well, it's a long st we were really worried about you.

这是一个漫长的 我们真的很担心你

Oh, st... stop looking at me that way, you freak.

别那样看着我 你这疯子

says the guy's been at st. claire's for 17 years.


until he was committed to the st. clair's mental institution for manslaughter.

直到他因过失杀人 被送到圣克莱尔的 精神病研究中心

St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives." aren't going anywhere.

The riddle begins, "As I was going to The guy and his wives

Adipose Industries, the 21 st century way to lose weight.

灵脂公司 21世纪的减肥专家

Yeah, these new models are sensitive to changes in the barometric st and whatnot, but, uh, yeah, reset itself, so all clear.

这些新车型对变化很敏感 对气压变化之类的东西 自行复位 警报就解除了

i want you to know i've successfully had dr. walter bishop released from st. claire's, and he requires the use of his old laboratory.

我已经成功地让院方 把贝博士放了出来 他要用他原来的实验室
