
音标/读音 [freim]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 框, 结构, 体格
vt. 构成, 设计, 制定, 使适合, 陷害
[计] 框架, 图文框, 帧

n. the framework for a pair of eyeglasses
n. a single one of a series of still transparent pictures forming a cinema, television or video film
n. a single drawing in a comic_strip
n. an application that divides the user's display into two or more windows that can be scrolled independently



That's when you framed him, which is why she framed you.

同时你们还陷害了他 为此他的妻子才陷害你们

Scrub the footage, frame by frame if you have to.

仔细看视频 有必要的话一帧一帧查

He frames you, you frame him, scores are settled.

他陷害你 你陷害他 扯平了

Techs have gone over this frame by frame.


I framed you, and now I'm framing your girlfriend for murder.

我陷害了你 现在我要栽赃给你女朋友个谋杀

Take me and I can describe it to him frame by frame.

带我去 我可以逐帧向他描述

We've examined this footage frame by frame, she's just not there.

我们逐帧检查了录像 她就是没出现

Says he wants to go through it frame by frame.


Show us frame by frame on the explosion.


I'm looking at people she's framed, people she's thinking of framing.

我看到了她已经陷害的人 还有她打算陷害的人
