
音标/读音 [in'flæmәtәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 激动的, 煽动的, 炎症性的
[医] 炎的, 炎性的

s. characterized or caused by inflammation



As you know, my work is, uh, inflammatory.

正如你所知 我的工作容易惹怒别人

I am suggesting the gibbet could be seen by some to be inflammatory.

我是建议绞刑架会被某些人 视为煽动因子

No sparks, no flames, no inflammatory comments.

从此没有火花 没有火焰 没有煽动的言论

All of a sudden, his inflammatory reaction slowed down.

突然之间 他的炎症反应降了下来

That's right; an inflammatory disease in your lungs.

是的 是你肺部的一种炎症性疾病

We'll renew our objection. Irrelevant and inflammatory.

再次提出反對 與本案無關和煽動性陳述

This is not just inflammatory, it breaks all the rules.

这不仅仅是煽动性言论了 完全打破了规矩

You're the one that wrote this inflammatory piece of rubbish.


They're full of inflammatory tissue, and that's essentially irreversible.

全都是炎性组织 而且是无法恢复的损伤

Uh, sorry, sir, but the question was inflammatory.

不好意思 先生 但问题有煽动性