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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 使受损伤

v inflict a trauma upon



Christ's sake, I don't need it, I'm not traumatised.

老天爷 我不需要 我没有心理创伤

I know you're traumatised but remember what I said, it's not your fault.

我知道你有过创伤 你记住我的话 那不是你的错

If she's still traumatised, she may not have full recall.

如果她还没从打击中缓过来 可能不能回忆起全部经过

..Ieads me to believe he not only believed these stories but was traumatised by them.

他不仅相信这事 而且还深受其害

I've got a therapy group severely traumatised.


This woman was already traumatised by a recent abduction.


Sir, trust me you've no idea how traumatising it is to be harassed by college intellectuals.

先生 相信我 你不知道 被高校知识分子骚扰有多痛苦

Cela peut être traumatisant pour la malheureuse victime, mais c'est la seule option.

对她来说 驱魔过程会极为痛苦 但已别无他法
