
音标/读音 ['rʌʃə]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义


n. (football) a ball carrier who tries to gain ground by running with the ball
n. someone who migrates as part of a rush to a new gold field or a new territory
n. a person who rushes; someone in a hurry; someone who acts precipitously



And we both know that traditionally pass rushers, they make more than corners.

我们也知道冲传手一直以来 挣的比角卫多

If a guy can't run a 10yard dash in 1.6 seconds or less, his chances of becoming an effective pass rusher in this league drops severely.

如果一个球员10码冲刺跑不到1秒6或更快 他成为联盟里高效突击手的概率 会大幅下降
