
音标/读音 ['blæbәmauθ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 长舌者

n someone who gossips indiscreetly



I'm a blabbermouth, a chatterbox, a yakkitywakkity, a floogoomeister.

我是个长舌妇 话唠子 啰嗦货 唠叨鬼

Just that he hated me and called me a blabbermouth.

我只知道他恨我 他叫我大嘴巴

I'm surprised my blabbermouth boyfriend hasn't told you already.

我很惊讶我那大嘴巴的男朋友 居然还没告诉你

Don't you dare say a thing, you little friggin' blabbermouth.

你不许跟她说 你个大嘴巴

Like, it's this thing, that everyone says about me, but I don't even talk that much anymore, 'cause I'm afraid to, because every time I talk, someone just tells me to shut up and then calls me a blabbermouth.

就比如别人总说我话特别多 但是我害怕这样 所以就不怎么说话了 每次我开口说话 总会有人叫我闭嘴 并且叫我长舌妇
