
音标/读音 ['^æbi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 饶舌的

s full of trivial conversation



Gabby's my wife now, and I'm your boss.

加比现在是我妻子 我是你的上司

Gabby's not the only baby on that forum that's being discussed.

嘉碧不是论坛上唯一一个 被讨论的孩子

Gabby was a ward of the state when we adopted her.

我们收养她的时候 盖比是州政府的监护对象

Gabby is gonna be one hell of a firefighter.


Gabby said she's been struggling with the timed test.


Gabby, we know the policy about outside liquor.

加比 我知道外带酒水的规矩

Gabby has her up to ninthgrade quantum physics, string theory.

加比教她九年级的量子物理 弦理论

See if any of the neighbors have seen gabby's father lurking around.


Gabby, she did this to us, and if one of us is gonna survive, then it's gonna be you.

是加比害了我们 而如果我们中有人会活下来 必须是你

Well, you never know what kind of a gabby loser is sitting next to you.

人永远无法知道坐在隔壁的 是哪种长舌废柴
